aboot about giftable designs
welcome to giftable designs! my name is vanessa vine and i get bored easily. luckily, my crafting habits don’t mind; they like being shared. right now i mostly knit, and i’m an aspiring yarn snob. i can’t afford those beautiful sock yarns i see in the store, but i always fondle and continue dreaming. while i’m a student and a newlywed, acrylics are my friend.
i also do lots of other stuff. as a material design student at OCAD, i make a lot of weird things which i’ll post if i think anyone will appreciate it.
my dream is to one day open a yarn store and lounge in new hampshire, but for now i’m stationed in toronto with roots in new york
i love things that are cute
i hope you enjoy my work!
contact me
on ravelry: giftable
or to contact me directly, email giftable@gmail.com